Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Select the right (from 1st Amendment) that you think is the most important. Explain why you think so.

I think the Bill of Rights is the most important because it's the combined name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which limit the power of the U.S federal government. It protect the natural rights of liberty and property including freedom association, freedom of religion, speech, press, and assembly and petition. The arrangement of the Constitution to respect the individual citizen's basic rights, such as right to trial by jury. The first amendment protects the civil liberties of individuals in the United States. It was a top priority and protects whatever press you put out or what you are trying to say to the public. We have the rights to protest in what we believe in. We also have the rights to say whatever is right that would be protected under the law. It plays a role in American government and law. It also it gives the people the power of freedom of speech and religion.

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